Announcing Regalo Theater Company
Hi! I’m Crystal. I have loved theater from a young age. My first memory of theater was being the littlest Billy goat in my school’s production
of “the 3 Billy goats gruff”. Then I was the peach in “James and the giant peach”. In high school, I participated in NJROTC instead of theater
but loved seeing my friends in their productions.
After I was married and had kids I found myself questioning what hobbies I liked, since my days were filled with PBS kids and kids books.
I wholeheartedly believe that you’re never too old to learn something new, and I equally dismiss the belief that if you aren’t doing something
at the highest level and making money on it you’re not of worth.
I came back to the theater at 34 and found I much prefer being in the ensemble. I love the friendship and camaraderie you find in each cast. I
invite everyone, no matter your age or experience level, to come and play with us!